Renaissance High Interest Savings Account

CAD-Series A1
CAD-Series F1

Renaissance USD High Interest Savings Account

USD-Series A1
USD-Series F1

Key Benefits

Earning Potential

  • Greater earning potential with higher interest rates
  • Interest accrued daily and paid monthly

Added Security

  • The Renaissance High Interest Savings Account is eligible for CDIC insurance
  • Offered through CIBC Asset Management Inc. (CAMI) and issued by CIBC, one of North America’s leading financial institutions
  • Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce is a member of CDIC

Greater Convenience

  • Available in Canadian and U.S. dollars
  • No maturity date or lock-in period
  • Access to savings at any time without penalty
  • Available through FundSERV with T+1 settlement
  • Easy switching between RHISA and mutual funds managed by CAMI

Product Features

Product Name (Fund Code and Series)

Renaissance High Interest Savings Account

  • ATL5070: Series A
  • ATL5071: Series F

Renaissance USD High Interest Savings Account

  • ATL5074: Series A
  • ATL5075: Series F

CDIC Eligible


Issuer Information

Product issued by Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.

Investment Type

High interest rate bank account.


Canadian residents only.
Registered and non-registered plans.


Canadian dollar or U.S. dollar.

Minimum Initial Investment2

Renaissance High Interest Savings Account: $50
Renaissance USD High Interest Savings Account: $50 (in U.S. dollars)

Maximum Investment

Renaissance High Interest Savings Account

  • Unlimited where held by an individual
  • $7,500,000 where held by a corporation

Renaissance USD High Interest Savings Account

  • Unlimited where held by an individual
  • $7,500,000 where held by a corporation (in U.S. dollars)


Unlimited number of deposits and withdrawals, subject to maximum investment limit.

Investment Return

Interest rates are subject to change at any time without prior notice.

Interest is calculated daily on opening balance and is paid monthly to the account as reinvested distributions.

Promotional interest rates (if applicable), apply only to new eligible deposits in Renaissance High Interest Savings Account as described in the below terms and conditions. Existing balances prior to the beginning of the promotion will not be eligible for the promotional interest rate.

The Renaissance High Interest Savings Account is offered by Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC), through its wholly owned subsidiary CIBC Asset Management Inc. CIBC is a CDIC member institution.

The Renaissance High Interest Savings Account is eligible for CDIC insurance, subject to CDIC rules and regulations. Deposits made to the Renaissance High Interest Savings Account and to other CIBC products are aggregated and eligible for CDIC protection up to $100,000, per category, per depositor.

The material and/or its contents may not be reproduced or distributed without the express written consent of CIBC Asset Management Inc.

1Interest rates quoted are annual rates, effective June 11, 2024 and may change at any time without prior notice.

2Your dealer may have its own minimum investment requirement.